Loreto College invites students to apply for our annual Scholarship Program. The School offers a range of opportunities for students who wish to attend the College and excel.

Loreto College Marryatville conducts a comprehensive annual Scholarship Program, offering financial grants to selected students* based on either academic merit and/or excellence in one or more fields. A scholarship can provide up to 50% remission of tuition fees as set by the College Board and is applicable for the duration of the student’s schooling until the completion of Year 12. Each financial grant awarded to scholarship winners is at the discretion of the Principal and may vary from year to year.

All scholarship recipients are expected to complete their secondary education at Loreto College Marryatville, to maintain high standards of academic achievement and behaviour, and to contribute positively and enthusiastically to all aspects of College life, including the co-curricular program.

Each scholarship holder’s progress in the College and contribution to the wider life of the College will be reviewed annually. No student may hold more than one scholarship at any one time.

*Applicants must be Australian citizens.

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Scholarship Program for 2026

Academic Scholarships:

  • Primary ACER Year 5 (new/continuing students)
  • Level 1 ACEP Year 7 (new/continuing students)
  • Level 2 ACER Year 10 (new/continuing students)

Other Scholarships:

  • All-Rounder Scholarship: Years 5, 6, 7 and 10 (new students)
  • Sport Scholarship: Years 7 to 11 (new students)
  • Music Scholarship: Years 5-11 (new students)
  • Gonzaga Barry Bursary Scholarship (new students)
  • Indigenous Youth Leadership Program: Years 7 to 10 (new students)

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Academic Scholarships for Years 5, 7, and 10 (closed)

All academic scholarships are based on the results of an Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) examination held on Saturday, 1 February 2025.

Online individual reports will be available to parents on Wednesday, 5 March 2025. A non-refundable application fee of $150 to ACER is required.

Year 5 Scholarships are awarded to new and continuing students who excel in the Primary ACER Scholarship Test. Students will be in Year 5 in 2026.

Year 7 Scholarships are awarded to new and continuing students who excel in the Australian Cooperative Entry Program (ACEP) Level 1 examination. Students will be in Year 7 in 2026.

Year 10 Scholarships are awarded to new and continuing students who excel in the ACER Level 2 examination. Students will be in Year 10 in 2026.

The scholarship can provide up to 50% remission of tuition fees as set by the College Board and is applicable for the duration of the student’s schooling until the completion of Year 12.

Applications for Academic Scholarships are now closed.

ACER Scholarship Parent Hotline: 1300 768 952


All-Rounder Scholarships for Years 5, 7 and 10 (closed)

All-Rounder Scholarships are offered to new students wishing to enter Loreto College in Term 1 2026.

These scholarships are based on the presentation of a portfolio. Students are required to provide evidence of a growth mindset with regard to academic success and also demonstrate how they encapsulate the values of a Loreto education in their contribution to their current school and broader community through co-curricular, leadership, and social justice activities.

Applications must include copies of recent school reports, full NAPLAN results, and any other documentation in support of the All-Rounder Scholarship application.

The scholarship can provide up to 50% remission of tuition fees (excluding fixed fees) as set by the College Board and is applicable for the duration of the student’s schooling until the completion of Year 12 provided that the student continues to maintain high academic performance and represent the College as and when requested. All other expenses are to be met at the full rate. Expenses such as textbooks, co-curricular sport and activities, uniforms and laptops are not covered under this scholarship.


Applications for All-Rounder Scholarships are now closed. 

Scholarship applications must include:

  • Completed Application Form
  • Requested photocopied documentation as outlined in the portfolio criteria attachment. Portfolios will not be returned to the applicants.
  • Non-refundable fee of $50


Sport Scholarships for Years 7-11 (closed)

Sport Scholarships are offered to new students who wish to enter Loreto College Marryatville in Years 7 to 11 in Term 1 2026.

Eligibility criteria

  • Applicants must show a level of commitment to their academic studies
  • Applicants should be competing at national or state level (or the highest possible equivalent depending on the sport) in at least one sporting activity (team or individual) that is offered within the Loreto College Sports program.
  • Applicants may only submit information for the previous 12 months

The scholarship can provide up to 50% remission of tuition fees (excluding fixed fees) as set by the College Board and is applicable for the duration of the student’s schooling until the completion of Year 12 provided that the student continues to maintain high sporting performance and represent the College as and when requested. All other expenses are to be met at the full rate. Expenses such as textbooks, co-curricular sport and activities, uniforms and laptops are not covered under this scholarship.


Applications for Sport Scholarships are now closed. 

Scholarship applications must include:

  • Completed Application Form
  • Requested photocopied documentation as outlined in the portfolio criteria attachment. Portfolios will not be returned to the applicants.
  • Non-refundable fee of $50


Music Scholarships for Years 5-11 (closed)

The Music Scholarship Program is offered to new students in 2026 with particular interest in brass and string instruments as well as double reeds. We are currently not accepting applications where voice is the primary instrument. However, multi-instrumentalists are strongly encouraged to apply.

Students are to provide a portfolio including copies of recent school reports and any other documentation that is relevant in promoting the music scholarship application. Students should be able to demonstrate a minimum performance standard of Grade 4 AMEB (or equivalent) on their first instrument.

Scholarships are awarded primarily based on an audition. Auditions will be conducted by the Director of Performing Arts R-12 and only applicants meeting the required standard will be invited to attend. Auditions will last approximately 15 minutes.

A scholarship can provide up to 50% remission of tuition fees (excluding fixed fee) as set by the College Board and is applicable for the duration of the student’s schooling until the completion of Year 12 provided that the student continues to be engaged in the Music Program both through the curriculum and her co-curricular activities. An additional 100% remission of instrumental music tuition fees is awarded for weekly 30-minute music lessons undertaken on the awarded scholarship instrument. All other expenses are to be met at the full rate. Expenses such as textbooks, co-curricular sport and activities, uniforms and laptops are not covered under this scholarship.

Audition requirements:

  • A performance of two contrasting pieces totalling a maximum of 6 minutes. It is strongly encouraged that applicants perform with an accompaniment (as applicable) which can be live or recorded.
  • Students who study more than one instrument are encouraged to perform a piece on each instrument.
  • Theory and Aural awareness will be tested prior to an interview.


Applications for Music Scholarships are now closed. 

Scholarship applications must include:

  • Completed Application Form
  • Portfolio showcasing music achievements
  • Non-refundable fee of $50

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Gonzaga Barry Bursary (open)

Mother Gonzaga Barry ibvm was the foundress of Loreto Education in Australia. Her passion for girls’ education had a significant influence on the development of education across Australia. In order to celebrate Gonzaga Barry’s vision for the education of girls, this bursary aims to provide a Loreto Education for girls who would not have the opportunity to attend Loreto College without financial assistance. This bursary acknowledges the long tradition of 145 years of Loreto Education in Australia and more than 115 years of Loreto Education in Adelaide.

The Gonzaga Barry Bursary is offered to new students wishing to enter Loreto College or those that have suffered financial hardship whilst studying at the College. A maximum of two bursaries will be awarded annually. To be eligible, the student must be a daughter of a family that meets the income and asset means-test as measured annually prior to and during the scholarship period.

Students must also meet the Scholarship criteria. The Scholarship is based on presentation of a portfolio. Students are required to provide evidence of a growth mindset with regard to high academic success and also demonstrate how they encapsulate the values of a Loreto education in their contribution to their school and broader community through co-curricular activities, leadership, and social justice activities.

Parents are required to provide copies of all financial documents requested, recent school reports, full NAPLAN results, and any other documentation that is relevant in supporting the Gonzaga Barry Bursary Scholarship application. The scholarship will provide 100% remission of fees as set by the College Board. Additional expenses such as a laptop computer, books, and equipment required for the delivery of curriculum, uniform, camp fees, private music tuition, or any other paid sport or activity outside of the normal College Fees, including Boarding fees, are not included.

Applications for Gonzaga Barry Bursary close on 24 June 2025. 

Applications must include:

  1. Completed Gonzaga Barry Bursary Application Form
  2. Certified copies of requested financial documentation
  3. All-Rounder Portfolio and supplementary documentation. Portfolios will not be returned to the applicants.



Scholarship Enquiries

Admissions Office
Email: admissions@loreto.sa.edu.au
Loreto College Reception: (08) 8334 4200

Register for a College Tour

We encourage you to see how your daughter’s future can take shape at one of our upcoming College Tours where you will see our curriculum in action, tour our historic grounds, and hear from Ms Kylie McCullah, our Principal, on why a girls’ school is the best investment for your daughter.