Our International Fee Schedule outlines the College tuition and boarding fees.
Students who are Australian Citizens or who have Residency status will pay the same fee as an Australian domestic student. Sibling discounts apply to International Students.
To find out more about our International Student fees, please visit our Fees page.
Enrolment Process
Step 1
Lodgement of International Student Online Application for Admission Form and documents
Step 2
An interview with the Principal (in person if in Adelaide or via Zoom meeting)
Step 3
A Letter of Offer is issued, outlining conditions and fees
Fees include:
Enrolment Fee of $770 AUD ($470 AUD sibling discount)
One semester’s school fees in advance
One semester’s boarding fees in advance
Health cover quote (if applicable)
An Acceptance of Admission Form accompanies the Letter of Offer
Step 4
Enrolment is finalised on receipt of a signed Acceptance for Admission Form and payment of fees.
International Students are required to pay one semester’s tuition/College fees and one semester’s boarding fees in advance. The applicant will then be issues with a Confirmation of Enrolment Form and Welfare Statement which will enable the applicant to apply for a student visa (Student Visa – subclass 500).
Step 5
An Information Pack will be issued prior to commencement. A transition visit will be organised for the student where possible