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Loreto College has a long and successful history in international education, welcoming students from all over the world.

We recognise and respect the range of different cultural and linguistic backgrounds of our international students. We encourage girls to share their cultures with their fellow Boarders and, as a group, we celebrate important cultural events.


Why Study in Adelaide?

Adelaide, South Australia, is considered one of the world’s most liveable cities, and it has a long-standing tradition of world-class education. Adelaide has produced over 100 Rhodes Scholars, two of whom are Loreto College Old Scholars. We are also proud that the first South Australian recipient of the prestigious Schwarzman Scholarship, a competitive global master’s program hosted in Beijing, is a Loreto Old Scholar.

Adelaide is a safe and inclusive city, showcasing a vibrant calendar of events, festivals, and cultural activities. Students can enjoy weekend trips to the beach, shopping districts, parks and open spaces, and sporting events.

Loreto College is located only 10 minutes from Adelaide’s Central Business District and 30 minutes from Adelaide Airport. Adelaide’s picturesque beaches are also only 30 minutes away. The College is located near main roads and is serviced by excellent public transport routes. In addition, our College has a designated Bus Service.

For more information about study opportunities in Adelaide, visit the Study Adelaide website.

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Student Visas

Loreto College (CRICOS 00629G) is registered with the Australian Government to enrol international students on student visas.

Student visas are granted subject to a number of conditions which refer to attendance, academic performance, behaviour both in and out of the College, accommodation, changing education providers, work, and health insurance. It is important that international students understand and comply with their visa conditions, as non-compliance could result in a visa being cancelled.

Information about student visas, application forms, and how to apply can be found at the Department of Home Affairs: Immigration and Citizenship.


Boarding House

Loreto College offers Boarding House accommodation for International Students in Years 7 to 12. Boarding School life provides the opportunity for girls to establish life-long friendships and enables each student to develop qualities of confidence and leadership.

Our Boarding House is located on the grounds of Loreto College in a historic house, which provides students with a sense of home. Each girl has her own room and has supervised study sessions as well as access to a health centre and College facilities, including music facilities, library, and the College gym.

Visit our Boarding page.

Loreto College Marryatville International students


Our International Fee Schedule outlines the College tuition and boarding fees.

Students who are Australian Citizens or who have Residency status will pay the same fee as an Australian domestic student. Sibling discounts apply to International Students.

To find out more about our International Student fees, please visit our Fees page.

Enrolment Process

Step 1
Lodgement of International Student Online Application for Admission Form and documents

Step 2
An interview with the Principal (in person if in Adelaide or via Zoom meeting)

Step 3
A Letter of Offer is issued, outlining conditions and fees

Fees include:

Enrolment Fee of $770 AUD ($470 AUD sibling discount)
One semester’s school fees in advance
One semester’s boarding fees in advance

Health cover quote (if applicable)

An Acceptance of Admission Form accompanies the Letter of Offer

Step 4

Enrolment is finalised on receipt of a signed Acceptance for Admission Form and payment of fees.

International Students are required to pay one semester’s tuition/College fees and one semester’s boarding fees in advance. The applicant will then be issues with a Confirmation of Enrolment Form and Welfare Statement which will enable the applicant to apply for a student visa (Student Visa – subclass 500).

Step 5
An Information Pack will be issued prior to commencement. A transition visit will be organised for the student where possible

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Overseas Representatives

In order to assist International students and their parents with assessment, enrolment, and visa processing, Loreto College has an agreement with a number of overseas representatives and agents.

These agents have a good knowledge of the School and are ready to assist with enrolment and visa application process. Please refer to the form below to view a list of overseas representatives for Loreto College.


Register for a College Tour

We encourage you to see how your daughter’s future can take shape at one of our upcoming College Tours where you will see our curriculum in action, tour our historic grounds, and hear from Ms Kylie McCullah, our Principal, on why a girls’ school is the best investment for your daughter.