Read the latest news surrounding the vibrant community of Loreto College, sharing curriculum updates within the classroom, outstanding achievements from staff and dedicated teachers, capital works, and upcoming events.

Mission Day Fundraising

Please join us and Mary Ward International to urgently help provide life-saving medicine and nutrition to children in South Sudan.

Loreto College Newsletter

Read the latest curriculum updates, events and achievements around the College during Term 3 so far.

Loreto College Newsletter

Read the latest curriculum updates, events and achievements around the College during Term 3 so far.

Winners – Australian Education Awards

We are extremely proud to announce Loreto's Social Emotional, and Academic Development Program (SEAD) is one of eight across the country that is an awardee for the Australian Education Excellence Awards for Best Student Wellbeing Program. Our Leader of Humanities, Mr Paul Foley, has also been shortlisted for Department Head of the Year.

Celebrating our 2020 Year 12 Success

We are delighted to announce the SACE results of our Class of 2020. Read further for more information on our students' academic successes.

Loreto Goes Down in History

For award-winning student, Lily Farrell, looking back at history provides new perspective to the present. The Year 11 student was named the South Australian Young Historian of the Year for the second year in a row as part of the 2020 National History Challenge.

Library and Resource Information Centre Redevelopment

The Junior and Senior School Library developments have the purpose of creating flexible and beautiful learning spaces for students in order to inspire and facilitate their love and joy of reading, investigative study and learning.